Open Mic Round Two: November 23rd

After the roaring, raving success of the inaugural Open Mic, we’re very much looking forward to bringing you the second edition of this successful new series.

As always, the Open Mic is open to absolutely anyone of any level of experience who’s put some good words in an interesting order and wants to share them with an appreciative audience – not just prose and poetry and everything in between, but also songs, comedy sets, experiments and just about anything else.

And on top of all that, we’ve got two cracking feature performers for you as well: Gavin Inglis, a Scottish story-spinner whose fiction blends everyday realism with the fantastic and bizarre, and Claire Askew, an award-winning young poet, jeweller, editor, curator and all-round creative star.

Check our Open Mic page for more information about our events and how to sign up to perform. Also, join the Facebook event and invite all your friends to make the event the biggest, best night possible!