What We Do

Inky Fingers is a series of events in Edinburgh for people who love words. We believe in throwing words wide open: we want everyone to be able to create with language and share their work. We care about supporting and encouraging writers and spoken word performers, creative experimentation, building communities of writers working together to create, and putting on fantastic events that celebrate language.

We have a open mic that runs out of Edinburgh’s Lighthouse Bookshop and we work with other arts organisations to create unique and exciting events.

The Open Mic

Our core events are the monthly open mic, where anyone from any level of experience can get up and share their work to a supportive audience.

Our open events run on three simple principles:

  • They will always be free, so that anyone can afford to take part
  • They will always be open to beginners and experts and everyone in between, so that everyone is asked to take part
  • They will always be supportive, friendly, safe spaces, so that no-one will feel they can’t take part

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